Symons Recreation Complex (SRC) is celebrating 36 years, of serving our community. Please let us know how we are doing by filling out this form. Age 0-19 20-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61+ Gender Male Female Non-binary Years at SRC Less than 2 2-5 5-10 10-20 20+ Are you a Current Member Past Member Event/Class Attendee Day Pass Purchaser Time since last used SRC Currently Using Less than 6 Months 1 Year 2 Years 3 Years + Zip CodePlease rate the equipment on handExceptionalGoodAverageBelow AverageDated/WornComments on equipment.Rate our staffExceptionalFriendlyAverageBelow AverageComments on staff.Would you like to see the SRC swimming pool stay open more hours? Yes No What hours? Later hours on Saturday Later hours on Sunday Early hours on Sunday Comments about swimming pool hours.Which part of the facility do you use most? Exercise Machines Land Aerobics Pool Sauna Swim Lessons Birthday Party Facilities Weight System Water Aerobics Whirlpool Racquetball Zoom Fitness Classes Outdoor Fitness Classes Small Weight Room Comments about facility use.Of the equipment currently available in the weight room, which machines do you use regularly? Stationary Bike Rowing Machine Jacobs Ladder Recumbent Stepper Treadmill ARC Trainer Stair Stepper Cross Trainer Lateral Elliptical I use the pool or take land/water classes I mainly lift weights Suggestions for equipment purchases.Do you use the TVs in the exercise room when you workout? Yes No I bring my own device If you take classes, what do you like best about the class(es)?Do you feel the membership rates are Too High Excellent Value I could afford to pay more CommentsHow do you like to be informed of our programs at SRC? Facebook Website Radio Email Brochure Friend Other Comments / OtherDo you encourage your friends & family to use the SRC? Why or Why not?What changes or improvements would you like to see?I would use SRC more if…VolunteersVolunteer opportunities are available for adults and children interested in volunteering at Symons Recreation Complex. Please indicate below if you are interested in volunteering at Symons Recreation Complex.Yes! I would like to volunteer at Symons Recreation Complex Yes No Prize DrawingIf you would like to be placed in a prize drawing for completing this survey, include your name and email address below:Name First Last Email Δ Thank you for completing our survey.